Equipment for a Smooth Reopening with Duotone. With the hope of reopening on the minds of a lot of businesses across Ireland in the coming weeks. There is a lot of information and equipment out there to consider, you want the equipment that will give you and your employees the best possible protection.
What precautions can you take to reopen safely?
With one of the main symptoms of the Coronavirus being a high temperature, being able to check employee and visitor’s temperature is imperative.
Handheld Unit: These are your traditional style infrared detection units. These have a wide range of uses and can scan multiple objects such as Body, Room and Objects such as milk and water. They are also capable of detecting temperatures of between 0-100°c.
There are 3 warning lights:
- Green = Normal
- Yellow = Slightly High Temperature
- Red = High Temperature
These devices have multiple uses:
- Clock In – Clock Out System
- Mask Detection
- Counter Mounted or Freestanding
- Fully Contactless
Digital Signage:
Digital Signage is a fantastic aid when updating your customers and staff with the latest HSE Guidelines. As we are learning more about coronavirus on a weekly basis, keeping up to date and on top of the changing guidelines can be hard. Instant updates with digital signage allow you to keep everybody up to date. Not to mention keep them up to date with any changes within your business, like opening days, opening times, and changes in procedures.
High Quality Imaging, Easily Updated, High Visibility
Equipment for a Smooth Reopening with Duotone – Contact Us Today.